Dr Hugh J. Blair - Simple preaching of profound truths from a warm heart

He was Professor of Old Testament at the church's theological college and a contributor to the New International Bible Commentary.
Although a man of great intellect, his sermons ere a model of simplicity, clarity and warmth. He was a humble man who was always keen to learn more about his Saviour.
Oh yes, and he was born here in Donegal!
Here are a series of sermons of his on Psalm 23 to whet your appetite.
Sermons on Psalm 23
1. The Lord is my Shepherd
2. I shall not want
3. The answer to stress and strain
4. The restoration of my soul
5. Through a dark valley
6. The Shepherd’s provision
7. Only goodness and mercy
1. The Lord is my Shepherd
2. I shall not want
3. The answer to stress and strain
4. The restoration of my soul
5. Through a dark valley
6. The Shepherd’s provision
7. Only goodness and mercy