new life fellowship

serving jesus christ the king

Like most historic reformed churches, our worship centres on the reading and preaching of the Bible, with the response of the people to God in praises, prayer and giving.

As a church we believe that the Bible should regulate everything we do, including worship. This applies to worship too. God has revealed in Scripture how he is to be worshipped, nothing is to be introduced which he has not specifically commanded. One outworking of this principle is that we sing only from the book of praise which God has given to us - the Psalms. Another outworking of this is that our worship is not accompanied by musical instruments. Nowhere has he instructed his people to praise him with songs other than those provided in the Book of Psalms. Instrumental music was an integral part of Old Testament sacrificial worship, which was fulfilled in Christ, and there is no example of such accompaniment in the church of the New Testament.

While today this is a minority position amongst Christians, historically it was different. Unaccompanied Psalm singing was the norm in the Christian church for 1600 years. The Book of Psalms provides songs which are inspired, Christ-centred, timeless, non-sectarian and continually relevant, the property of the universal church.

As a denomination we undertook the task of revising our psalm book to bring it more in line with modern English but at the same time holding as a true translation. This work was completed in 2004. The new book of psalms is now in use in many of our congregations, including our fellowship in Letterkenny