The Art of Dying Well - Genesis 47:27-31; 49:29-50:14
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Ending with God at the centre - Genesis 48:1-49:28
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The Fruit of Faith - Genesis 46:1-7, 29-34; 47:7-12
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The Sorrows of the Godly - Gen 35-45
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Reset your Spiritual Life - Gen 35:1-15
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Living among the Lost - Gen 34
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A Real Christian? - Gen 33
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Gently Broken by God - Gen 32
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Homeward Bound - Gen 31
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A God who blesses Jacobs - Gen 30:25-43
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When God comes into the mess - Gen 29:31-30:24
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Jacob's Bananaskin - Gen 29:1-30
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Practising the Presence of God - Gen 28:16-21
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Letterkenny version preached on 16th Nov at evening service - hence remarks that may seem out of sequence
When God Intrudes - Gen 28:10-15
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Hungry for Blessing - Gen 27
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Prizing or Despising? - Gen 25:19-34
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Trusting the Sovereign Lord - Gen 25:19-28
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